
DoodleGrandGround's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 917 (From 199 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 13,205 Points

Basically Warzone (CoD Warzone Parody)

Medals Earned: 4/5 (100/125 points)

Camper 25 Points

Get Sniped By A Camper

PWNED #1 25 Points

Lose The Gulag

PWNED #2 25 Points

Win The Gulag

Team Wipe 25 Points

Eliminate An Enemy Team

Epic Fail 25 Points

You Freaking Idiot

Becloudead - Halloween Special

Medals Earned: 3/12 (20/445 points)

In for some slaying 5 Points

Play your first game

The how and what 5 Points

Finish level 1

Got me some zombies 10 Points

Finish level 2

Crawling around 25 Points

Finish level 3

Spiders and scarecrows 25 Points

Finish level 4

Hell Avenue 50 Points

Finish level 5

Those damn bats!@# 50 Points

Finish level 6

Reach out! 50 Points

Finish level 7

They come from below 50 Points

Finish level 8

Took the easy way 25 Points

Finish the game in easy mode

Gave it a good fight 50 Points

Finish the game in normal mode

Kicked some serious ass!!! 100 Points

Finish the game in hard mode

Ben Stiller's 3D Tour of Hell

Medals Earned: 4/10 (130/190 points)

Limbo 10 Points

Enter The First Level of Hell

Lust 10 Points

Enter The Second Level of Hell

Gluttony 10 Points

Enter The Third Level of Hell

*Smooch Sound Effect* 100 Points

Find and kiss the secret poster

Greed 10 Points

Enter The Fourth Level of Hell

Wrath 10 Points

Enter The Fifth Level of Hell

Heresy 10 Points

Enter The Sixth Level of Hell

Violence 10 Points

Enter The Seventh Level of Hell

Fraud 10 Points

Enter The Eigth Level of Hell

Treachery 10 Points

Enter The Ninth Level of Hell

Big Tall Small

Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/90 points)

6 Levels 5 Points

Complete 6 levels.

12 Levels 10 Points

Complete 12 levels.

18 Levels 25 Points

Complete 18 levels.

24 Levels 50 Points

Complete 24 levels.

Brawl Royale

Medals Earned: 7/12 (50/300 points)

NoLegs 5 Points

Silly cat, get off ma lawn.

Red Mage 5 Points

That's not even a real sword.

Tonberry 5 Points

Go back to your cave.

Yoko 5 Points

Farukon Paaansh.

Black Waltz 10 Points


Lazarus 10 Points

Ma gun's bigger.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Mecha 25 Points

Systems failure imminent.

Natalie 25 Points

Go back to kitchen.

Canti 50 Points

Master the guitar.

Masochist 50 Points

Get killed by each enemy in one sitting.

Goku 100 Points

Save the universe from evil.

Breakfast in Britain

Medals Earned: 5/12 (50/50 points)

Ello Mate 10 Points

Start The Game

EAT IT 10 Points

Watch The Opening

BEANS x8 10 Points

Eat x8 Spoonful of Beans

Thank You 10 Points

Check The Credits

Speedrun Time! 10 Points

Restart The Game

Bring Back Meaning!

Medals Earned: 3/6 (20/40 points)

Unwelcome 5 Points

Maybe you shouldn't have entered so rudely.

Wet Blanket 5 Points

Should've probably watched out for the slippery water.

Game Completed 10 Points

Complete the game.

Pretty Coziness 5 Points

I guess you could have that kind of desire.

Vomitrocious 5 Points

That tasted like garbage!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Bullet Dodger

Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/190 points)

Began The Game Medal 5 Points

You started the game!

Mid-Way Medal 10 Points

Half way to endless mode!

Endless Mode Medal 25 Points

You made it to endless mode, try and get a high score!

500 Second Medal 50 Points

You reached the 500 second mark!

600 Second Medal 100 Points

You reached the 600 second mark!

Bullet Heaven

Medals Earned: 2/32 (15/600 points)

Boom 5 Points

Use a bomb for the first time.

Shooter 10 Points

Kill 300 enemies in total.

Stray Bullets 5 Points

Get killed with no enemies on screen.

500k 10 Points

Get a score of 500,000 in any level except survival.

Angel Wings 10 Points

Play 10 levels as Natalie.

Bullet Hell 10 Points

Die with over 666 enemy bullets on screen.

Counter Attack 10 Points

Reflect over 100 bullets with a single shield.

Gold Farmer 10 Points

Finish any level except Survival with over 3,000 coins.

I Like Swords 10 Points

Play 10 levels as Matt.

Killer 10 Points

Kill 3000 enemies in total.

Max Power 10 Points

Fully upgrade all stats

Millionaire 10 Points

Get a score of 1,000,000 in any level except survival.

Pew Pew Pew 10 Points

Play 10 levels as Lance.

Power Up 10 Points

Fully upgrade any stat.

Punching Bag 10 Points

Get hit 100 times in total.

Shields On 10 Points

Collect 100 power ups in total.

Slayer 10 Points

Kill 10000 enemies in total.

Sniper 10 Points

Kill 1000 enemies in total.

Stars Everywhere 10 Points

Play 10 levels as NoLegs.

Tree Hugger 10 Points

Play 10 levels as Anna.

Ultimate Blade 10 Points

Kill 25 enemies instantly.

Bronze Badge 25 Points

Get A ranks in 5 or more levels.

Bullet Master 25 Points

Complete all bonus levels.

Gold Badge 25 Points

Get A ranks in 15 or more levels.

Pacifism 25 Points

Reach wave 33 in Survival without killing anything.

Perfect Run 25 Points

Beat any level between 16 and 20 without taking any damage.

Platinum Badge 25 Points

Get A ranks in 20 or more levels.

Silver Badge 25 Points

Get A ranks in 10 or more levels.

The End 25 Points

Defeat the final boss and complete the standard set of 20 levels.

3 Heart Challenge 50 Points

Beat the first 20 levels without upgrading your health.

Mass Murderer 50 Points

Kill 1,000 foes in a single game of Survival.

Diamond Badge 100 Points

Get A ranks in all 25 levels.

Bullet Heaven 3 [Prototype]

Medals Earned: 1/16 (5/500 points)

Baby Steps 5 Points

Buy your first of many upgrades.

Getting Buff 5 Points

Max out any upgrade type. Some have more levels than others.

Making it Rain 5 Points

Collect 2,000 money or more in any one level. Money multiplier helps.

Whodunnit? 5 Points

Check out and maybe even read the credits.

Blaster Master 10 Points

Get two attack power ups at the same time for massive damage.

Bouncer 10 Points

Reflect 30 bullets with one shield power up. Try not to touch the foes though.

Bushwhacker 10 Points

Kill 1,000 foes dead.

Going Big 25 Points

Get a Total High Score of 300,000 or more.

Totally Shredded 25 Points

Grind a bit and max out all upgrades.

Unperishable 25 Points

Beat any level after level 10 without taking damage.

Warmed Up 25 Points

Beat the first 10 levels.

Going Bigger 50 Points

Get a Total High Score of 1,000,000 or more. Can only be done on Hard Mode.

Hard Mode Complete 50 Points

Beat all 20 levels again on Hard Mode.

Prototype Complete 50 Points

Beat all 20 levels and finish the game.

Hardcore 100 Points

Get an A rank or better in every level on Hard Mode.

Softcore 100 Points

Get an A rank or better in every level.